Written by: Neil Young
Year: 1988
Era: Bluenotes
From the album:
Times played:
Shows recorded:
Shows not recorded:
Acoustic guitar:
I was in the middle of the ocean. I was sailboat sailing to Hawaii. This was two years ago when I wrote the song and I just received word that the video for "This Note's For You" was not going to be played. I'd just finished making it and I had a copy of it on the boat. I'd been out at sea almost 10 days - about halfway over there. I hadn't seen anybody for about 8 days - no planes, no other boats - just the horizon. So I was pretty spacey out there by then. In one night I wrote three songs: "Ordinary People, "Sixty To Zero" and "Days That Used To Be". And "Days That Used To Be" was sort of like an answer to - it was kind of the way I felt - kind of lost. I was wondering whether what I was thinking was even relevant about "This Note's For You" and the whole thing. I thought it was hilarious and then it turned out that it wasn't - that they thought it wasn't funny. You know, I still kill myself every times I look at that video. I was rolling around the floor of the boat - on the deck. It's just a moment in time. I don't wander around feeling that way all the time. As a matter of fact that song almost didn't make the album because it doesn't really fit with all the other songs. Neil Young Ragged Glory World Premier radio broadcast Broken Arrow #41 transcription September 5, 1990
Interviewer: Is there already Sixty To Zero, Part II? NY: It was all recorded at once, it was 18 minutes long and then I edited it down as 12 verses. So the other 7 verses are still there. I don't know what I'm going to do with those. Interviewer: Why don't you play them? NY: It doesn't feel right, it's too long at one thing. It's meant to stand by itself, not to be played, with anything else. If I play the long version in concert, it's too overpowering. If you can imagine listening to anything for 18 minutes, it disturbs the flow. It's too much of the same thing so I do the short version. Neil Young Dutch radio interview Transcribed in Broken Arrow 71 December 11, 1989
This song was written during an ocean crossing on the sailing ship WN RAGLAND. Neil Young NYA - Sneak Preview - Sixty To Zero March 31, 2022
Sixty To Zero (version 1 of 2)
Session Date:
Produced by:
Recording type:Studio
Available on:
Unreleased Neil Young Released:

1 Track 87

Sixty To Zero (version 2 of 2)
Session Date:August 18, 1988
Studio:Canadian National Exhibition Grandstand, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Produced by:Neil Young
Recording type:Live
Available on:

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